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Hey Mama!

When is the last time you had a full night’s sleep?


Do you feel like a taxi driver on a hamster wheel, making the same loop, day after day?

This mama thing is no joke!  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing I would rather be than a mom. But, sometimes kiddos can suck every last bit of love, light and laughter right out of you and it’s all you can do to make it to the end of the day for a well deserved glass of wine.


Oh mama – trust me. You are not alone!


three strand cord

This verse is our lifeline. It’s hard to do this mama thing without back-up. We need to laugh with each other. Support one another. Study the Word together. But it’s hard to find the time. I barely get to go to the bathroom by myself, let alone find time for coffee with a girlfriend or be part of a bible study.

The Solution You’ve Been Waiting For

A virtual experience where Christian mamas can instantly be connected over their phone, laptop or

It starts with a free weekly devotional (Devo on the Go) that is sent right to your inbox to get you thinking, praying and laughing with another mama who totally gets you! And trust me, with four kiddos, from preschooler to preteen, I’ve seen a lot!

Throughout the year you will have the opportunity to join in several six week bible studies (B-Study on the Go), that you can easily do anytime and anywhere. We will all be taking the journey at the same time, so you will connect online with other mamas who know just how crazy motherhood can be.



 If so, then here is your personal invitation to join a revolution of crazy, busy mamas connecting, laughing and getting back into the Word.

My personal journey to find my buried laughter, faith and joy began with me being stranded on the side of the road.  That moment changed my life.

Have you reached this moment in your life?  Tired of being tired.  Feeling like you are constantly on the run?

Trust me, you can find that laughter and faith again. It won’t be overnight, but I promise, together, we can get you there.  Are you ready to start taking back the joy in your life? image

The two things that helped me find mine were connecting with other mamas who understood just what I was going through and digging into the Word.

I know you are busy. Trust me! But you can do both of these things, even on the go!

Click and let’s do this!

B-Study on the Go

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